Sisters Red - Jackson Pearce
From the start, this book grabbed my attention. I loved the action fighting parts. Scarlett really knows how to kick some real serious Fenris butt. The descriptions of the Fenris is realistic and I like how they’re portrayed as vicious feral creatures who can’t seem to control themselves (which is the way how it should be!). The plot itself was really good and it certain did keep the pages turning. The characters were good although I’d have to say Scarlett is my favorite. I liked her toughness. It’s such a complete contrast to Rosie - and I have to admit I really didn’t like Rosie (still don’t) sure, Scarlett really did her best to protect her and that’s probably why Rosie’s got this air of vulnerability around her. (Although she can pull her own weight in a fight as well). However, there’s just something about her I don’t quite like. Maybe it’s because she’s just so sweet it gives you cavities reading about her. She gets a little better later in the book, but not enough to make me change my opinion. Another thing about her is her lovey dovey relationship makes you want to cringe. It’s too sweet for my taste. I also thought this was a great twist to the Red Riding Hood fairy tale. It certainly adds a more darker twist to it and like mentioned previously, the description of the Fenris and their society is really well done, and I hope there’s more to it than just this book because it feels like this isn’t going to be last we’ve heard from these sisters. I most definitely recommend this. YA Readers will enjoy this, those with a like for urban fantasy or a twist on Fairy Tales will also appreciate this. It’s a great read and you’ll be done in no time.